25 Reasons To Be Yourself

By | November 13, 2016

25 Reasons To Be Yourself ~ If you won’t, who will?

Be Yourself

1. Life’s too short to be switching personality gears.
2. How scary would it be to look in the mirror and see someone else staring back?
3. Your honey is in love with you – not Jennifer Aniston.
4. Because blending in with the crowd is so, well, high school.
5. The world needs more people with diverse interests like yours – who else has a thing for classic American literature and professional wrestling.
6. Then there’s your signature fashion statement. Not many people can get away with wearing $80 pants with $10 shoes
7. Because everyone who rides in your car gets a kick out of listening to Eminem and Faith Hill in the same trip.
8. Who else would your sister tell embarrassing childhood stories about?
9. Remember the movie Single White Female? Enough said.
10. If you’ve learned anything from fairy tales, it’s that the prince will still adore you even if you aren’t exactly a princess.
11. Who’s got the bucks – or the time – to buy a whole new wardrobe?
12. Sure, they may have cloned a sheep, but it’ll take years before they figure out how to clone you.
13. You require a lot less maintenance than Pamela Anderson.
14. You don’t have an understudy . . .do you?
15. Face it: You’re a hard act to follow (and pity the fool that tries).
16. Who would the class mother tsk-tsk over?
17. You hold the record for winning at Yahtzee.
18. You’re the only on in your group who knows all the words to Meat Loaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Light”.
19. You already have years of practice, and practice makes perfect.
20. Even though he may not admit it, your husband would get lost if he tried to drive anywhere without you.
21. It’s so effortless – and what a relief that is.
22. You have a secret recipe for lemon squares, and your kids will accept no substitutes.
23. Because a phony personality will get on everyone’s nerves in no time.
24. Nobody does it better.
25. Who else can do your kick-it-and-groove move, a la Seinfeld’s Elaine. . .but with actual rhythm?